星期五, 11月 16, 2007

Paris in Jail


我本身很喜歡看她的電視實境秀「簡單生活」(The Simple Life),和聽她專輯的high歌。

專輯裡有一首歌叫Stars Are Blind

被人改編成一首歪歌叫PARIS IN JAIL,內容當然就是在說他入獄的事囉


I don’t mind being confined to L.A. state prison
cause I would drive with DUIs
(因為我會酒醉駕車 註:DUI driving under the influence 酒醉駕車)
I caused some collisions
They tell me now that my appeal has been denied
and that the sentence is now bona-fide
How about a chill that won’t insult my civic pride
like somewhere on the upper west side
with a water slide
oh no

Even though they say I’m shady
I’m really so refined

I need a cleaning lady
I can’t do time
Robert Blake and OJ Simpson
they both get off scot-free
(Robert Blake and OJ Simpson 他們都獲判無罪了)
(Robert Blake是著名演員 2004涉嫌多起謀殺案 但多次獲無罪 OJ Simpson是著名黑人美式足球運動員,1994年捲入殺妻案後,因起訴證據存有漏洞,令他無罪釋放)

I drive without a license
They throw the book right at me
It sucks to the highest degree
aah aah

I went ape on a sex tape
Guys are gaga
I must make my jail escape
I miss my Chihuahua

My friend Nicole drove down that freeway the wrong way
She’ll probably get parole and float away
because she weighs, zero.

Even though i caught the glamor
even though my clothes are fab(fabulous)
they throw me in the slammer
Britney gets rehab(rehabilitation)
They put me in the big house
sounds like a movie pitch
Paris goes up the river -
ends up as somebody’s bitch
They can’t do this to me, I’m rich.
aah aah

And now i am digging a ditch
aah aah

My roommate’s a woman named Mitch.

最後一句歌詞的畫面超好笑。Mitch 應該是個lesbian吧。呵呵
